Friday, February 19, 2010

Book Review: Love Your Heart

I just finished reading, Love Your Heart, written by Tim McGraw and Tom Douglas. This is the second book in a children's series by the famous country singer. This story is about a little girl named Katie who cannot decide on what talent to perform at her school's talent show. She shows her different talents to her dad with humorous results. When the time comes for the talent show, Katie finds a unselfish way to show off her talent at being a caring friend.

I enjoyed reading this book. I tried to read it with my daughter but she is only 18 months and did not sit to read it with me. I thought the story was very sweet and I liked how it taught such a positive message about friendship and giving unselfishly to others. Katie was a very realistic and like able character. I really enjoyed her interactions with her dog and the silly messes she created. I think all parents can relate to how fast children can accidentally make a big mess. The illustrations were beautiful and eye catching.

My only critique of the story was that it was a bit cheesy at times. It was very sweet how much love was displayed between Katie and her dad but it sounded a little fake at times. I also found the text size and font printed in the book to be somewhat distracting. The words would change size and I found it slightly odd.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Book Review: Plain Pursuit

I just finished reading the wonderful Christian romance titled, Plain Pursuit by Beth Wiseman. It is the story of a journalist named Carley who travels to Amish Country to visit her friend, Lillian, who has recently joined the Amish faith. Carley is looking for a vacation to rediscover herself and the chance at a great article about Amish living. During her visit, Lillian's stepson becomes ill and Carley begins to fall for his doctor, Noah. Noah was raised Amish and was shunned but he Amish community. Carley is forced to take a new look at her life and relationships with friends and God to decide where to go next.

I really enjoyed this book. After reading it, I discovered it was the second book in a three book series. I immediately reserved the other books at my local library. I really enjoyed the whole series and finished each book in a matter of days. It is easy, joyful reading that makes you long for a simpler life full of love, family, and faith. The characters were very like able and realistic. The details into the culture and traditions of the Amish life were very intriguing and were represented in a positive, respectful manner. My only complain with this book is that it can be somewhat cheesy at times but overall is a very well-written moving love story.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Book review: Jack Daniel's Spirit of Tennessee Cookbook

I recently read the book, Jack Daniel's Spirit of Tennessee Cookbook Volume 1, by Lynne Tolley and Pat Mitchamore. This book is not you everyday, average cookbook. It is so much more than that. It features recipes traditional to the Southern United States but is also filled with numerous historical stories and facts. The book explains about the culture and traditions associate with cooking in the South.

I really enjoyed reading this cookbook. The stories are heartwarming and interesting.I really enjoyed reading the stories about Miss Mary Bobo's boarding house. The recipes all sound delicious. My favorite that I have prepared so far is the Wash Day Casserole. It turned out great. I also like that some recipes incorporate Jack Daniels, while other do not. That way families who do not cook with alcohol can still use this cookbook.

My concern with the book is that the recipes are jammed together very closely on each page and there are not pictures of the recipes prepared. I love looking through cookbooks at the pictures to see which recipes look really delicious and also as a reference to what the recipe should look like.

I highly recommend this cookbook to everyone.