Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Book review: Jack Daniel's Spirit of Tennessee Cookbook

I recently read the book, Jack Daniel's Spirit of Tennessee Cookbook Volume 1, by Lynne Tolley and Pat Mitchamore. This book is not you everyday, average cookbook. It is so much more than that. It features recipes traditional to the Southern United States but is also filled with numerous historical stories and facts. The book explains about the culture and traditions associate with cooking in the South.

I really enjoyed reading this cookbook. The stories are heartwarming and interesting.I really enjoyed reading the stories about Miss Mary Bobo's boarding house. The recipes all sound delicious. My favorite that I have prepared so far is the Wash Day Casserole. It turned out great. I also like that some recipes incorporate Jack Daniels, while other do not. That way families who do not cook with alcohol can still use this cookbook.

My concern with the book is that the recipes are jammed together very closely on each page and there are not pictures of the recipes prepared. I love looking through cookbooks at the pictures to see which recipes look really delicious and also as a reference to what the recipe should look like.

I highly recommend this cookbook to everyone.